July 21st 1715 – The crew of the Hades’ Plunder has mutinied! With the captain locked in his quarters, the disloyal pirates scuttled the ship, gathered up whatever items they deemed to be valuable, and fled aboard the lifeboats. However, one item was overlooked. A seemingly insignificant stone stolen from a merchant vessel. This stone, we believe, is the artifact. You must board the ship and work with the captain to get the treasure safely to shore before the vessel sinks with the artifact on board. Our geologists estimate that failing to do so will create a massive bermuda triangle event in the Atlantic, and we already have one of those.
- Rescue a doomed pirate ship!
- Interact with period accurate ship props and controls in your quest to prevent disaster
- Work with the ship’s captain himself, listening to the commands he issues from his cabin in order to properly operate the ship
- Explore the interior decks of the ship – many secrets await the determined traveler!
Pirates of the Bermuda Triangle is our newest escape room and features one of our most detailed sets to date. Taking place aboard the ship “Hade’s Plunder” you must follow the instructions of a trapped captain in order to safely navigate the ship to land following a mutiny. Pirates of the Bermuda Triangle is extremely hands on, with your team doing everything from raising and lowering sails, to pumping bilge, to steering the ship itself. All the while you’ll be receiving instructions from the ship’s captain, who has been locked up in the brig. For players looking for a tactile and responsive escape room, this is the game for you. For players looking for an immersive setting to lose themselves in, we think this is the room for you as well. Some come sail the sea with us, and hopefully together we can prevent a second Bermuda Triangle!